Criminal Trial


Advocates at Mera Vakeel specializing in criminal trials provide a wide range of services to clients involved in criminal cases. They play a crucial role in representing their clients and ensuring a fair trial. Here are some of the services typically provided by advocates in the matter of criminal trials:

Legal Consultation: Advocatesat Mera Vakeel offer initial consultations to understand the client's case and provide legal advice. They assess the charges, evidence, and potential defenses, and explain the legal process and potential outcomes.

Case Investigation: Advocates at Mera Vakeelconduct a thorough investigation of the case, gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and examining relevant documents. They aim to uncover facts that support the defense strategy and challenge the prosecution's case.

Legal Research and Analysis: Advocates at Mera Vakeelconduct extensive legal research to identify relevant laws, precedents, and legal principles applicable to the case. They analyze the legal aspects, identify defense strategies, and build a strong defense based on the facts and the law.

Plea Bargaining: Advocates at Mera Vakeelengage in plea bargaining negotiations with the prosecution on behalf of their clients. They assess the strength of the prosecution's case, explore potential plea options, negotiate favorable terms, and advise clients on whether to accept a plea bargain or proceed to trial.

Trial Preparation: Advocates at Mera Vakeelthoroughly prepare for trial by strategizing the defense, organizing evidence, preparing witnesses, and developing cross-examination techniques. They work closely with their clients to understand their side of the story and ensure effective representation in court.

Courtroom Representation: Advocates at Mera Vakeelrepresent clients in court during the criminal trial. They present the defense case, cross-examine prosecution witnesses, introduce evidence, and make persuasive arguments to challenge the prosecution's case.

Witness Examination: Advocates at Mera Vakeelprepare and conduct examinations of defence witnesses to present their testimony in court. They elicit relevant information, establish favorable facts, and challenge the credibility of prosecution witnesses through cross-examination.

Expert Witness Consultation: Advocates at Mera Vakeelmay consult and engage expert witnesses to provide specialized knowledge or opinions relevant to the case. They coordinate with experts, prepare them for testimony, and effectively utilize their expertise to support the defense.

Post-Trial Proceedings: Advocates at Mera Vakeelmay represent clients in post-trial proceedings, such as sentencing hearings or appeals. They present mitigating factors during sentencing hearings to advocate for lenient penalties. If necessary, they can also file appeals to challenge the conviction or sentence and seek a reversal or modification of the court's decision.

Legal Advice and Guidance: Advocatesat Mera Vakeel provide ongoing legal advice and guidance to clients throughout the criminal trial process. They explain the legal implications, discuss potential outcomes, and help clients make informed decisions regarding their case.


Murder: In a murder case, the lawyer's duty is to provide the best possible defense for their client. This could involve investigating the circumstances surrounding the crime, questioning witnesses, and challenging evidence presented by the prosecution. They would also develop a defense strategy, which could involve arguing that the client is innocent, or that they should receive a lesser charge due to mitigating factors. The lawyer would represent their client in court, and may also be involved in plea negotiations.

Rape: In rape cases, lawyers play a crucial role in both prosecution and defense. For victims, a lawyer could assist in pressing charges, provide guidance during the legal process, ensure the victim's rights are upheld, and represent the victim in court. For the accused, a defense lawyer would challenge the evidence, possibly argue for a lesser charge, and ensure the accused's rights are upheld.

Theft: Lawyers handling theft cases would offer similar services to those in murder cases, although the specifics would depend on the nature of the theft. This could involve questioning the evidence, interviewing witnesses, representing the client in court, and possibly negotiating a plea deal.

Forgery: In forgery cases, the lawyer would scrutinize the evidence closely to ensure that it proves the client's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. They might question the authenticity or chain of custody of the allegedly forged document, or challenge the expertise of the prosecution's handwriting expert. They would represent their client in court and could also negotiate a plea deal.

Kidnapping: Lawyers working on kidnapping cases have a duty to provide a robust defense or prosecution. They would investigate the circumstances of the alleged kidnapping, challenge the prosecution's evidence, and represent their client in court. They would also ensure that their client's rights are upheld throughout the process.

POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act in India): This is a special act with stringent provisions for child protection, so lawyers working on these cases need a deep understanding of the law. They would provide guidance to the child and their family throughout the legal process, ensure the child's rights are upheld, and represent the child in court. If representing an accused under POCSO, they would provide a defense, challenge the evidence and allegations, and ensure the accused's rights are upheld.

You may also like to know

What is a criminal trial?

A criminal trial is a legal procedure within a court of law where an individual accused of a crime is prosecuted. The accused person, known as the defendant, is tried in a court by a judge (and often a jury), who then decides the legality of their conduct.

What are the stages of a criminal trial?

Generally, a criminal trial begins with the selection of the jury. This is followed by opening statements from both sides, presentation of the prosecution's case (with cross-examination by the defense), presentation of the defense's case (with cross-examination by the prosecution), closing arguments, jury instructions, and finally, the jury deliberation and verdict.

What is the burden of proof in a criminal trial?

In criminal trials, the burden of proof lies with the prosecution. This means that it is up to the prosecutor to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the crime. The defendant does not have to prove their innocence.

What are my rights if I'm facing a criminal trial?

While specific rights can vary by jurisdiction, generally, a defendant in a criminal trial has the right to a fair and speedy trial, the right to be informed of the charges against them, the right to remain silent, the right to confront witnesses against them, the right to a public trial, and the right to legal representation.

Should I hire a lawyer for a criminal trial?

Yes, it's highly recommended that you hire a lawyer if you're facing a criminal trial. Criminal trials can be very complex, and the consequences of a conviction can be severe, including imprisonment. A lawyer can help you understand your rights, build a defense, and navigate the legal process.

What is the difference between a plea bargain and a trial?

A plea bargain is an agreement in a criminal case between the prosecutor and the defendant, wherein the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a particular charge in return for some concession from the prosecutor, such as a lighter sentence. A trial, on the other hand, is when the defendant pleads not guilty and the case is adjudicated by a judge or a jury.

What happens if I'm found guilty?

If you're found guilty in a criminal trial, the judge will decide your sentence. The sentence can range from a fine or community service to probation or imprisonment, depending on the severity of the crime and your prior criminal record.

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